Don't get excited. I didn't win an award. In fact, I don't think Beijing-ren can even read my blog yet. But since I have some random followers in Korea, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Laos and other parts of Asia, I'll count that as a win. I guess that subject was a bit dickish and at least partially misleading.
There is good news though. I have been very busy lately and will be departing for Indonesia and Malaysia this Friday. I wanted to let my readers choose what I write about next. I've gotten a lot of request by email, but the official vote will take place here. I figure, the more say you actually get in what I write, the more likely you will be to read it. And the more likely you are to read it, the more likely you are to think: "Wow. Marc totally deserves a street crepe for this, I'll click on one of the fine advertisers that grace his site".
Here is the list of potential topics:
-Drinking/Partying in Beijing
-Silly Exercises Old People Do
-More Street Food Posts
-More Shopping Posts
-Ultimate Frisbee in Beijing
-Things I miss about America / Things I like more about China
-Any crazy red tape I've experienced (might hold off on that one for now though)
-Beijing Architecture
-Trips we've taken within the country
-The Malaysia/Indonesia trip
Clearly, if you'd like to hear about something else, you can write it in as your comment.
And also, remember, YOUR (blog topic) VOTE COUNTS.
Since the most comments I've gotten so far on a single post has been six, this vote could easily recreate the US Election of 2000.
The entire Blog Topic vote could be decided by ONE SUPREME COURT JUDGE'S COMMENT ON THIS BLOG POST.
And, if you are still reading, here is a reward for your dedication:
I finally learned what street crepes are actually called:
煎饼, pronounced jianbing and inaccurately and un-deliciously translates to "pancake".
Playing it safe
4 weeks ago